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Why Stubaby is in School again

The nexus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is a dynamic field. The ones and zeroes that make up the building blocks of machine language are nothing more than electrical impulses that are either present or not present. On a molecular level, the electrons are either excited or not excited. It’s amazing to think that…

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Study Skills: Strengths and Weaknesses

There are many challenges that I face with my studies, and they all boil down to one thing: being able to manage my time. Right now, I am travelling to New Hampshire, sitting in the passenger seat of a Ram truck, typing on my laptop. The driver is listening to the Republican debate, and my…

Five ways to ease your transition as you exit the Military

Joining up for military service is a choice that you made voluntarily but getting out may or may not have been your choice. You may have anticipated your retirement date for years, or, like me, you had to end your term early for medical reasons. Regardless of the way you exit the military, the realization…